Labymod launcher does extensive ssd writes on macOS
2023-07-11 09:40:38Description
LabyMod launcher sometimes writes gigabytes of data while just being ingame or while the launcher is just in idle. Im running the native Apple Silicon version of LabyMod launcher on macOS Ventura 13.4.1.
Operating System: macOS
LabyMod Version: 4.0.2
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
2023-07-11 10:09:19I just let the launcher in idle for about 20 minutes, and it already wrote almost 4GB of data. That's definitely not normal.
2023-07-12 23:47:35Is it also happening while being on the newest version or only before an update?
2023-07-13 17:32:35It seems to be only the case when the launcher is on an older version than the current release. It seems that the launcher will try to selfupdate itself and then fails because the session is currently running and then the launcher repeats this process over and over again.
2023-07-23 09:24:40The new update process is way more reliable. This issue seems to be fixed now.