Incorrect handling of the OpenGL stack

2023-03-30 17:45:35
Approved by
12 Votes

Let me tell you what happened. I changed my skin through by sending the skin to Labymod 4 to me. But then my skin has changed. Ingame. However, NOT under "Cosmetics" there was still my old skin to find. Then I pressed f3 and went again in "Cosmetics". I had had 2 different skins. Immediately after that Laby 4 crashed.
Crash Log:

Operating System: Windows 11 Pro
LabyMod Version: 4.0.0+710 snapshot/3d12f6d
Minecraft Version: 1.8.9
Installed Addons: VoiceChat


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  • Kallecrafter
    2023-04-03 17:10:12

    i mean Then i pressed f5 Not f3

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