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Chat Click Events not working

2023-12-04 17:23:27
Duplicato di
Angxstupst: Nothing happends when clicking any text

At appears, that some chat click events are not working.
Vanilla 1.20.2: Working
Fabric 1.20.2 with a ton of mods: Working
Labymod 1.20.2: Not Working

I don't want to spend much time to debug, in which circumstances it happens, because I know this bug won't be fixed, but it happens on Cytooxien Factions, after executing /ginfo <Guildtag> (replace guild tag with any guild tag like KINAU)

Clicking on the "Klicke hier" of the Kriegshistorie only works, after clicking quite far right at at least the right side of the letter h. If playing on English ist the cut is about at the half of the second letter c of click.

Operating System: Any OS
LabyMod Version: 4.1.8+1026
Minecraft Version: 1.20.2


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